Services We Provide

X-Rays and Diagnostic Laboratory Testing
Village Animal Clinic offers a full range of in-house laboratory testing as well as reference laboratory testing and consultation. Our onsite x-ray equipment allows us to take high quality x-rays to detect a range of abnormalities, including those found in the abdomen, lungs, bones, and heart, which aid in determining a diagnosis for your pet. X-rays are non-invasive and painless, yet can give the veterinarian critical information regarding the health of your pet!

Preventive Healthcare
Preventive healthcare is key in ensuring your pet has a long and healthy life. Just as with humans, a physical exam is essential as abnormalities may be detected that an owner may not be aware of, often before they become a serious problem. Vaccinations are administered to protect your dog from diseases that have a high rate of fatality. A wellness blood profile is recommended yearly, as testing can detect an organ or blood abnormality before any physical symptoms may be observed. If a chronic disease is detected early, it can often be managed through diet and/or medication and your pet can continue to experience a high quality of life. A fecal sample is tested to assure that your pet does not have parasites, some of which can be transmitted to humans. A heartworm test is performed on dogs, and year-round medication is dispensed to prevent heartworm, parasites and flea infestation. It is necessary for yearly protection as mosquito season is no longer six months of the year, and parasites can be in the environment constantly. A complete urinalysis is recommended to check for blood, sugar or proteins, as well as checking the concentration and sediment for infection, malignant cells or kidney disease.

Ultrasonography has become an integral diagnostic tool, enabling the veterinarian to diagnose a range of diseases and conditions, including diseases of the liver, kidney, spleen, stomach, intestine, bladder, and gallbladder, as well as detecting foreign bodies in the gastrointestinal tract. Ultrasound-guided biopsies provide a much clearer picture of the progression of disease, without invasive exploratory surgery.
The Village Animal Clinic has a full pharmacy onsite which offers clients the convenience of one-stop diagnosis and treatment. In addition, we deal with a local compounding pharmacy which enables us to order flavoured, transdermal or precision-dosed medication for your pet.

Village Animal Clinic offers a wide range of surgical services, including spays and neuters, orthopaedic procedures such as ACL and patella repairs, cystotomies, and foreign body and tumour removals. We endeavour to minimize any risks associated with general anesthesia, and routinely use a very safe anesthetic protocol. Every animal undergoes a presurgical examination and preanesthetic blood work is performed to ensure the animal is in good health prior to surgery. An ECG monitors heart activity, and oxygen saturation levels, blood pressure and body temperature are carefully monitored during the procedure. Particular attention is given to post-operative pain medication, to ensure that your pet recovers from the surgery comfortably.

Prescription Diets
Prescription diets are formulated with varying levels of fibre, protein, phosphorus, fat, carbohydrates and other nutrients which make a difference in your pet’s health. Animals with diabetes, those suffering from heart, kidney, liver and inflammatory bowel disease, pets prone to dental disease, and senior pets are just some examples of those who would benefit from a prescription diet. Depending upon the condition or ailment, a special diet can greatly improve your pet’s prognosis and overall general health. Because palatability is the key to success with diets, Village Animal Clinic is pleased to offer a wide variety of prescription diets by a number of different and highly regarded veterinary diet manufacturers from Canada and the United States. Diet is an important component of every animal’s health, and the veterinarian will discuss options available for your pet.

Dental disease has become the number one health problem for both dogs and cats. Just as in humans, there can be serious consequences to poor dental health for our pets! The negative effects of dental disease don’t stop at the mouth. Once the bacteria penetrate the gums, they enter the bloodstream. The bacteria can then spread and cause damage throughout the body,
Because your pet will not “open wide”, this procedure is done under anesthesia, which allows us to do a much more thorough cleaning under the gum line, which is where the real problem is located.
As in human dentistry, scaling of the teeth is performed with both ultrasonic cleaning equipment and hand instruments. The teeth are then polished, which smooths the tooth surface so it becomes more resistant to plaque and tartar, both of which would return very quickly if teeth were not polished after scaling. Antiseptic fluids are flushed beneath the gum line to rid these germs, and fluoride treatment is administered which decreases tooth sensitivity, strengthens enamel, has some antibacterial effects, and decreases the rate of future plaque formation.
Geriatric Care
When our pets reach the age of seven, they are considered senior, and like humans, benefit from increased monitoring of their health. When one considers that an animal ages approximately seven years to our one, it is like they see a doctor only once every seven years! Because most of the chronic diseases we see in senior pets are progressive, early recognition and treatment (including diet, supplements and/or medication) are key to disease management and progression, resulting in a longer lifespan for our beloved pets.
We encourage a senior wellness visit twice yearly for a thorough examination, blood, urine and fecal screening. Consistent monitoring increases the likelihood that we can slow or reverse disease processes and allow your senior pet to maintain a longer high-quality life.